All posts by Brent


Definition | Meaning

  1. Any name formed by the omission of the initial syllable of a word or phrase.

Example | Illustration

  • blog (web log)

Etymology | Origin

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Definition | Meaning

  1. Any company, product, service, etc. that has not yet been given a name or a code name.
  2. Any brand name so bland that it blends into the crowd.

Example | Illustration

Etymology | Origin

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Definition | Meaning

  1. Any acronym or abbreviation that is so well established that its origin is no longer widely understood.

Example | Illustration

  • scuba (self-contained underwater breathing apparatus)

Etymology | Origin

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Definition | Meaning

  1. Any brand name whose use is chronologically incongruous.

Example | Illustration

  • Orville Redenbacher
  • Roman Meal

Etymology | Origin

  • Greek ana- + chronos ‘time’


Definition | Meaning

  1. The blending of two or more meanings into one brand name.

Example | Illustration

  • Dodge Caravan

Etymology | Origin

  • Old French amalgame < Late Latin amalgama < Greek malagma ‘soft mass’


Definition | Meaning

  1. Any brand name which includes a reference, explicit or implicit, to a culture’s classical literature, or any indirect reference to pop culture.

Example | Illustration

  • Honda Odyssey

Etymology | Origin

  • Late Latin allusion ‘a playing with’