Tag Archives: D


Definition | Meaning

  1. A pair of words which share a common origin, but which have distinct shades of meaning.

Example | Illustation

  • The English words vibrate and vibrant are both derived from the Latin word vibrare ‘to vibrate, to shake’, but vibrate means ‘to shake, to quiver’ and vibrant means ‘vigorous, energetic, radiant’.


Definition | Meaning

  1. Any harsh or disagreeable combination of sounds, the perception of which will vary from language to language.

Example | Illustration

  • in English, Schlitz beer is an example of dissonance

Etymology | Origin

discourse audibility

Definition | Meaning

  1. The likelihood that a given brand name will stand out in the course of normal speech.

Example | Illustration

  • the discourse audibility of the name Yahoo! is extremely high

Etymology | Origin

Compare | See

  • textual visibility


Definition | Meaning

  1. Any brand name created by adding a suffix denoting smallness, youthfulness, familiarity, or affection.

Example | Illustration

  • in English, diminutives are usually formed with the suffixes ‘-y’, ‘-ies’, or ‘-kin’
  • Huggies diapers
  • Wheaties breakfast cereal

Etymology | Origin


Definition | Meaning

  1. A word which literally describes the product or service being identified, often functioning as a category name and generally paired with a fanciful, arbitrary, or suggestive name to form a complete brand name.

Example | Illustration

  • Kleenex facial tissue, where Kleenex is a fanciful name and facial tissue is a descriptor

Etymology | Origin

Compare | See

  • category name